Acetylene Safety Guard or ASG is a safety device for installation in an acetylene gas supply system. When installed correctly, it safeguards both the high-pressure (manifold header side) and the low-pressure section (distribution lines) of the acetylene supply system against the exceeding of predefined response pressure. The ASG thus prevents combustible and toxic gases escaping.
The ASG is equipped with an automatic shut-off valve controlled from the high-pressure and the low pressure side. This valve closes if one of the predefined response pressures is exceeded, thus interrupting the gas supply in the high-pressure area. A display element indicates when the shut-off valve is closed. The valve remains closed even if the pressures within the gas supply system fall below the response pressures of the ASG again. The shut-off valve can only be opened and the ASG enabled via a manually operated bleed screw. The gas supply system can then be operated in normal mode again.
Salient features:
- ASG as per EN ISO 14114 for permanent and secure monitoring of the inlet and outlet pressures.
- Successful type test according to EN ISO 15615 incl. Acetylene decomposition test by BAM (German Federal Institute for Material Research and Testing).
- Immediate closure of the Acetylene supply as soon as a pressure exceeds its set point.
- Resettable shut-off indicator.
- Easy manual reset to operation mode once the cause of the closure is resolved.
- Acetylene Safety Gaurd ASG with activated shut-off indicator (red)
- Patented concept to improve safety.
- Eliminates the need for quick acting shut-off device in the inlet as well as an over-pressure device in the outlet (relief valve).
- No venting of Acetylene to atmosphere, saving gas and vent pipework
- Retrofittable to the older pressure control panels BT2000AC and BU13AC